Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Friend the Racoon

Now, I am sitting here blogging about nicknames for my 30 day challenge and I see this big ol' fluffy thing looking in my side door. His big ol' fluffy striped tail was curled beautifully around his right side. I look him square in the eye and he just 'humpfs' and saunters away. So, I am like, where did he come from and where is he going? I get up and quietly, so I do not startle him, go to the front door and sneak out hoping I will see what this little ball of fur is doing. Low and behold, there his is rolling around on my driveway. My first thougt is, should he be hanging out here? My second thought is, why isn't he running away, because I am standing right there lookimg at him? My third thought is, is he rabid? Then I think, I should run and run really, really fast. But no, not me. Not "Scary Mary" who isn't scared of anything. You know, there are certain things you should be afraid of, but not me. I get my camera and start taking pictures. What do you think he does? He poses. What's up with that? Not only does he pose, he looks me square in the eye and actually smiles for the camera like he does this everyday. Well, maybe he does, who knows?

I do know this, this little guy is way too at home here for his own good. Since he has made this part of the trailway of his adventurous life I think we should name him. I will have a "Name the Racoon" contest. There is no prize because I am not a big enough blogger to have sponsers that would donate their goods for me to give away as advertisement yet. But anyways, that will happen someday. So, leave the name you want him to have in the comments section of this blog or on facebook. I will then vote for the one that I love most. I just may come up with some kind of consolation prize. Everyone  needs to play fair

Happy naming!!!!!

Loves, hugs & kisses

ML Brown

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh I love picking out names for things!

    So you could do:
    1) Rocky
    2) Bandit
    3) Meeko
    4) Some simple like Alice, Gus, Henry!
    5) You could name is some kind of thief name - like Robin Hood, or Bonnie or Clyde (depending on what it is!)


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