Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 8 of the 30 day challenge

A place I've traveled to:

I am not a world traveler, though I can make the "world" where I do travel, (that's what I think anyways).
I would like to tell the story about a place that I traveled to as a youngster with the whole clan. In clan, I am speaking of the big ol' family of seven chillens with my momma and my daddy. You remember the Catholic family with the baby making machine? That's who I went with. I love her, you know the baby making machine.  My dad was the travel planner, the travel guide, the chauffeur, the decision maker, and last but not least the man with "the look". Now, imagine this. All seven chillens with their seven miniature, itty bitty, tiny suitcases and the momma and the daddy with the big blue hard side Samsonite monster of a piece of luggage packed into a 1976 Grand Safari Pontiac Wagon!!!
 My dad had loading the family wagon down to a science. You see it had to be a science in order for each and everyone of us and any other item we had to be packed into that family wagon like we were perfect little sardines in the perfect little can. Yuck, sardines. My daddy used to eat sardines marinated in a mustard sauce on saltine crackers. Back to the family wagon. So, this family wagon held everything and everyone in a very scientific way. Now, can you imagine traveling for 600 plus miles with this many people packed together like sardines and like it? We had to. My daddy didn't give us a choice. God rest his soul. Before this journey starts everyone is instructed to use the bathroom and then use it again because the Safari family wagon will not be making too many stops. Can you imagine seven chillens not having to pee except on demand? Not happening. So we head out. I finally ask my daddy where we are going. Remember he is the planner. He divulges to us all that we were headed to the New England States. How exciting!!!! Yay Yay Yay!!! I finally, after a lifetime of hoping and praying to the big Guy in the sky, actually get to see President George Washington's wooden teeth. Just imagine the excitement rippling through me at this moment. Really? So we are about an hour into our journey to the New England States and one of the chillens announces that they have to go pee. All hell breaks loose. My daddy says, "Now, did we not tell you to use the bathroom not only once before we left but twice. We are not stopping. I don't care if your little bladder explodes and drips from your little eyes."   Seriously, my daddy would have never said that but....there were a few choice expletives spewing around, just a little. I'm just glad I wasn't the first one to say I had to pee, and thank God, at that young age, I didn't have the pee problem that I have now after giving birth to my rugrats. OK back to the journey. We finally arrive to our destination. The travel planner makes arrangements for us to stay with a family friend. Seriously, who in their right mind, friend or not, invite a family of nine to stay with them for their little family vacation. Those people had to be "CRAZY"!!!  On this vacation we did see many interesting sites, places and sounds. My favorite part was visiting Boston, Massachusetts. The reason for this was the Boston Common. I was infatuated with the park for the fact that anything goes. I mean anything. It actually is the starting point of the Freedom Trail and Boston Common is the oldest park in the country. The park is almost 50 acres in size.  And that's all the history you are getting.

And in Boston is where we all, like the happiest little family, are strolling through the cobbled streets and alleyways together and my momma gets accosted by a wino, and likes it. Just kidding. Can you imagine all seven little chillens' eyes bugging out of their perfect little toe heads watching this scene. You know I had mentioned earlier in this blog that my daddy had the biggest, baddest  muscles ever? Well, all he dad to do was flex them. That wino ran with is little shriveled up tail between his legs as far as they would carry him. 

My family & I did see many exciting places and things on this adventure and it still, to this day, makes me smile.

I really don't know how we traveled to as many places that we did, in the many different family wagons that we had, without totally committing hairy cary!!!

Loves, hugs and kisses.

ML Brown

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