Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 19 of the 30 day challenge

Something I miss

My blog today isn't something I miss, but it is someone I miss. I miss my daddy. I have spoke of him on earlier posts. He was a staunch Catholic. I remember how our lives centered around the church. You do understand that is why there are so many of us chillins. Seven to be exact. Seven damn chillins. It is absolute insanity. God love him. He just couldn't keep his hands to himself. That is also why I miss him so much. To the day he died him and my mother, the baby making machine,  had an awesome relationship. Well, that's all we'll say about that. I miss my dad's funny side. He was always ready for a good time. Again, that is why there is seven of us. I thought we weren't going there anymore. Oh well. I miss the practicle man that he was. I miss the evenings that we would sit for hours just talking in the kitchen at the long picnic table he had made so that all members of the family could sit and eat dinner at the same time. I loved that picnic table so much my dad and I made one together for my family to use in my kitchen. I loved working with him on that project. He was such a perfectionist. That is why I am so perfect. Hahaha. After his mother died he received her round oak kitchen table. At that time the picnic table took a spot on the back patio. That is where is sits today. Now, about that round, oak table. There are some really, really good stories that happened around it. First, all the times my dad and his brothers and the entire families would meet, a few times a year, in Western Kansas, which is no where land, and play cards, drink, laugh, tease, harrasse and just down right have some brotherly fun around that table!!!! If that isn't a run-on sentence I don't know what is, but I am going to leave it that way because I like the meaning behind it. I love looking at it today because it also has cigarette burn marks in it that make me laugh because his mother, God rest her soul, would smoke her cigarettes and she would have the longest ash I have ever seen on the end of a cigarette. I think that is where all the burn marks came from. The ash would have to fall sometime. I had many great conversations with my dad around that table also. I am going to remind you of what my father means to me and after reading that you may understand why I miss him so much.

My daddy loved, Pumpkin Show.
This is my absolute favorite picture of him.
 What my father means to me: Well, what can I say, "the greatest man I ever knew"! A man with a quiet graciousness that is unsurpassed. To me he meant strength, knowledge, a leader, a giver, a man of his word and honorable. He taught me how to love and what love is. He NEVER turned his back on a new challenge. Whether it involved his family, church, work or charity. He saw each challenge to its fullest. I am proud to say Robert A. Schultz is my father.

I miss you daddy. I wish you were here now.

Loves, hugs and kisses,

ML Brown

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