Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 2 of the 30 day challenge

Hmmmm. The meaning behind my blog name:

I chose Mary Brown's Odyssey because I wanted to share my journey through the next years of my life with others in a fun sort of way. I'm not sure how long this adventure will last but it is fun right now. And really, as you can see by this picture, there is a really long road ahead!!! We just may have a wonderful love affair with my antics and goofy posts. Its all in the imagination!!!

This really may be a long road to no where. No where right into my crazy little brain. Hey, I use the term little loosely here. My brain may be even smaller than little. But please, please, please don't share this information with anybody because I would hate for it to get out there. 

I also chose this blog name to share with you all my adventures in stamping. Remember yesterday, I told you I had an addiction which has also brought me into the classification of a hoarder. Well that is really were this blog started. Here is an example of a few of my designs. Remember the Hussies? Angela Beavers & myself!!

You know there is a little bit of hussieness in us all. Well, isn't there? Well, I think there is. Well, well, well!!! Is hussieness even a word?

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