Monday, March 5, 2012


Unity's February Challenge is  "Hearts"

Following is my card for this challenge:

This challenge hits close to home for me. In January I had chest pains and thought I was having a heart attack. I went to the hospital and what I found out was not very attractive for me. I am hoping it was not a heart attack, though I am still going through testing. Many other health issues were brought to my attention. So, as of January 21, 2012, I have lost 25 pounds. I have lost this weight doing several things. (1) Eating healthy. No fast food. No processed food. Only fresh meat/fish/chicken and vegetables. (2) Exercise. I now do Zoomba at least 3 times a week and walk or do yoga on the off days. I have made an entire lifestyle change. I am already much healthier and I feel so much better. I still have a long road in front of me. But I am up for the challenge. My heart is important to me as is my health. I am not embarrassed to say, I am angry with myself for even letting my self go the way I have.

Be smart, love yourself and take care of   ♥YOU ♥ 

Love, Hugs & Kisses,

ML Brown

Pink, green & Off White III

This is my final card for this months Unity Challenge. PINK, GREEN & OFF WHITE has now started to bore me. I am ready for the next cha...