Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring has Sprung!!!!

And what a beautiful day it is!!!

As I sit here on my front porch and ponder about the seasons, spring, at this time, is my most favorite time of the year. Now mind you, if it was summer, it would be summer, if it was fall, it would be fall and if it was winter it would be winter. Each for their own all empowering charm. But right now it is spring so I am going to tell you why spring time is my most favorite time of the year. It is a  time of cleansing, renewal, freshness and rebirth. BTW, which by now I'm sure you know means, "by the way", three of my children were spring babies!!!! That in itself should be reason enough that spring is my most favorite time of the year. I really don't want to discuss them here today. We will save them for their very own special little spot on a date in the future.

Spring is the season that literally takes my breath away with its loveliness.The air is fresh from the spring rains that have been falling by bucket loads. It can stop raining for this season anytime now. Come on mother nature help me out here, please!!!! But with those rains, and the sun peaking through the clouds on occasion, comes the re-birth of these beautiful little creatures. Better know as crocusses.
Are they not beautiful? I'm sure there will be another snow drift upon their delicate little heads before they disappear until next year. Ha, I'm a poet and didn't know it!!! Spring is a time of renewal and a time I like to cleanse my soul. Get rid of the old and bring in the new!!! I like to clear the cobwebs out of my little brain and bring in an all consuming positive attitude which I really try to carry with me throughout the year. The operative word here is "try". After the crocuses have bloomed I watch for the daffodils to burst wide open. Hey, did you know the genus/horticultural name for daffodils is Narcissus, which leads to the term narcissistic, which means excessive self love!! Yay, for being in love with yourself, but, keep it healthy.
Following is a picture of a Narcissus ready to burst into full bloom:

See their little heads...they are just about ready to burst wide open!!!!

With all that is going on in the world today from war, terrorism and disasters I thank God and the men and women who serve our country everyday that I am given the freedom to enjoy this time of the year without a worry in the world.
Love, hugs and kisses,

ML Brown

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Times I LOVE!!!!

So, this afternoon I get  a phone call from my middle rugrat & she says "Hey, we are headed your way"! I say, "GREAT, come on over!!" As I am talking to the middle rugrat I get a text from my oldest rugrat and he says, "Hey, we are running up to the farm to put pj's on the girls and we are headed your way!". At this very moment my heart begins to swell and I get palpitations because I am so elated that I get to see at least three of my four grand-rugrats!!!

The first to arrive is the middle one and the man that she loves with the latest of my grand-rugrats. I am, at this moment, in heaven!!
Does this picture not make your heart swell to a point of almost bursting. He is, at this point, the most innocent of all. Anything he does is OK because he does not know any better. He will learn one day. 

Then my door bursts open and the next of my grand-rugrats come running in with the most precious of smiles and the warmest of hugs that now put me into coronary bliss. Each one of these most wonderful, beautiful, without a doubt, most awesome, perfect grand-rugrats ever (and this totally includes the oldest of my grand-rugrats, though he is not present at this time), are the loves of my life!!! 

The fun now begins. Grandma, I need something to drink. Grandma, I need my markers and paper so I can make you the most beautiful picture ever. Grandma, I neeeeeed a snack. Grandma will you get me something in my sippy cup? Grandma, will you build me a tent. Grandma, I want to watch "Mary Poppins". Grandma, I am reeeeeaaaaly hungry. Grandma, you didn't pause "Mary Poppins" so I can eat my dinner. Grandma, I don't want to watch "Mary Poppins" anymore. Will you put in "Snow White"? Grandma, I want to watch "Shreck 2" on the other TV because I don't want to watch "Snow White".  Guess what? I hit all the Grandmas and did everything that was expected of me and then some. I love each and everyone of this little grand-rugrats with all my heart!!!

So, as you can see, we have just a few things going on here. The following is the one that is watching "Snow White":

She is special in a way that is not necessarily good. See those sweet little feet and chubby toes. They are just like her grandmas. The following is a side-by-side comparison.

Just take a look at these toes. Absolutely awesome!!
This next picture is the one watching "Shreck 2". She at this point is in heaven because she thinks it is, absolutely hilarious, that Shreck is expelling gaseous fumes from places I will refrain from discussing at this moment. God love her!!!
Just look at the innocence of her!!!

I have had an absolute enjoyable evening. I love each and every one of this little ones.

There is no love greater than the love I feel for these guys and the one who was not with us tonight!!!

Loves, hugs & kisses,

ML Brown

Pink, green & Off White III

This is my final card for this months Unity Challenge. PINK, GREEN & OFF WHITE has now started to bore me. I am ready for the next cha...